Do you need a permit to install solar panels?

Do you need a permit to install solar panels? Are you planning to install a solar photovoltaic (PV) system on your property? The installation of solar PV is regulated by the Zoning Ordinance and requires approval of a building permit. At Zero Down Solar, we submit that permit package for you after we’ve completed our design package. ZDS gets all necessary permits. Customers don’t have to engage with AHJs (Authorities Having Jurisdiction- City/County) at all. For more frequently asked questions – see our FAQ Page.
For more information from San Diego County – you can view their solar panel permits page:
Do you need a permit to install solar panels? Prior to installing solar, we’ll need to obtain permits from your local government (city/county) for permission to install. Generally, we expect to have to file for at least a solar photovoltaic (PV) permit and other permits depending on specifics. To obtain these, we’ll provide specifications about your proposed solar equipment and system design to the AHJs (Authorities Having Jurisdiction). At Zero Down Solar we will do all the work to get the correct and necessary permits for your solar panel installation.
The required solar permits before will vary by your location and the type and size of your solar energy system.
Permitting requirements vary by both your state and town, and depend on their respective codes, zoning laws, and other legislation regarding solar installations. As an example, you may have to obtain an electrical permit to ensure your solar installation meets a state-mandated code, while some local fire departments will require a set clearance area around your solar array so that they can have easy access to your roof in the event of a fire. We will take care of all of the permits that might be necessary.
Your solar permitting requirements may even differ from a neighbor’s in the same town. For example, if you live in a historical area, you may need approval from your local historical commission to install solar panels. Additionally, if you’re part of a homeowners association (HOA), you’ll likely need their permission to put panels on your property. At Zero Down Solar, we have many, many years dealing with permitting – we will take care of all permitting for you, in a timely manner.